
Sanguinius and friends

So I'm going to paint my first 'new' army as Blood Angels space marines. I can hear the groans of "not another new Blood Angels army for April..." but I don't care, they were the army I was going to start next right before I stopped four years ago, so it seems pretty appropriate that I carry on as I was going to...

Now I'm only really starting to work out how to take pictures of my models, any tips would be greatly appreciated btw, so here's my first attempt at a marine from the AoBR box:

Gah, well it doesn't really show the highlights that well, but I suppose it is red... Here's how it was painted if you're interested:


  1. Chaos Black spray
  2. Mechrite Red basecoat, thinned down slightly to avoid obscuring detail
  3. A heavy wash of Ogryn Flesh for the shading
  4. Now here's the tedious(/fun?) bit, several coats of thinned Blood Red, it all depends on how well the coverage is as to how many you'll need to do, for example this marine took three, but the dreadnought I'm working on took five, and I'm still not sure if it'd benefit from a sixth.
  5. A very fine slightly thinned highlight of Blazing Orange
  1. Overbrush Gunmetal Foundation Paint
  2. Badab Black heavy wash
  3. Light drybrush of Chainmail
  4. Finest of fine highlights with Mithril Silver, not overdoing it.
  • Chest Eagle = Lyanden Darksun, then Golden Yellow, then a light Ogryn Flesh wash
  • Eyes = Knarloc Green with a Goblin Green highlight (same for and purity seals on the models)
  • Bolter = Black with a Codex Grey fine highlight
  • Base = Sanded, Devlan Mud wash, Bleached Bone drybrush, Bestial Brown rim, and a little bit of Static Grass.
Hope that's of some use to someone out there! I generally take a fair while to paint, with it being exclusively in my limited free time, the stages above took around 4-5 hours to paint, not bad I think. Hopefully I'll be able to get some better pics up soon, plus my Dreadnought which I've just finished. Lovely stuff.

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